Self-care tips for a “Healthier” Mom

It’s the time of the year when we celebrate and honor our dearly beloved mothers and mothers-to-be. Indeed, you deserve to be celebrated for all the love, hard-work, and sacrifices that you freely give to your family. In fact, you should be celebrated and honored every day. Moms truly deserve to be treated not just on Mother’s day. How can we ever repay your love and goodness?


It’s a given: being a mother is not an easy task. It’s a non-stop vocation, no days-off. It’s so easy for you to get caught in your busy lives: juggling work, household chores, taking care of the kids and the family, and many more! You might even forget to prioritize your personal well-being because of this. Always remember to practice self-care. Prioritize your health and take simple steps to live a healthier life. While being a mother means caring for others, here are a few things that you can do to take care of yourselves:


1. Make sure that you are well-rested

Sleep plays a very important role in your daily routine. If you are well-rested, you are more than able to do your daily tasks with ease and accuracy. Although, this might come off as a challenge since you –constantly trying to juggle a lot of stuff in a day but it will benefit you more if you set a regular bedtime that fits your schedule. Allot 5-7 hours of sleep from your 24 hours.

2. Schedule “me” time

Proper self-care is equally as important as a proper diet and regular exercise. “Me” time– whether it’s an hour of a relaxing bath, a nap, a yoga class, time with friends, a nature hike, or window shopping— is a necessity. Respond to what you think you need most in that moment

3. Move more: Don’t forget to get your daily dose of exercise

Try to squeeze in at least 2 ½ hours of moderate physical activity per week in your daily routine. Try doing an after dinner walk or an early morning jog. You might be surprised but doing house chores or taking care of a toddler also counts as physical activity! There are many studies that indicate that several micro workouts are even more effective than a sustained one-hour workout. The point is for you to stay active.

4. Eat healthy

You often tell the family to eat fruits and vegetables. It’s the same advice you can give yourself too. Healthy diets that are rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. Fruits and vegetables also provide essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and other substances that are important for good health.

5. Make breakfast non-negotiable

Don’t apply that double standard about eating breakfast: you are often very strict when it comes to your kids getting a healthy breakfast but skip it yourself. Remember:  a cup of coffee is not considered breakfast. Eat a complete meal that is full of lean protein, fiber, and other nutrients. Studies have shown that eating a balanced breakfast helps give you energy to perform your tasks. Eating breakfast also prevents you from overeating on the next meal because of that feeling of fullness.


Good thing Gardenia has High Fiber Whole Wheat Bread, perfect for breakfast because it is made from 100% real premium wholemeal flour which is high in fiber, plus vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B1, Calcium, and Iron. Two slices provide 20% of your daily fiber needs. So why not prepare a hearty dish that is both delectable and healthy? Check out this recipe for a healthylicious treat for yourself, Gardenia Salad on toasted wheat bread:

Gardenia Salad on Toasted Bread

Nutrition Facts:

Calories (kcal): 294.0         

Carbohydrates (g): 23.7     

Protein (g): 17.4          

Fats (g): 14.4                

Dietary Fiber (g): 12.2


Nutrition Claims:                                                   

High in Dietary Fiber                                            

High Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron       

High in Vitamins A, B2, B3, and C



4 slices Gardenia High Fiber Whole Wheat Bread

1 Tbsp Cooking Oil

1 cup Luncheon Meat (cut into strips)

1/2 cup white onion (cut into wedges)

1 cup Romaine Lettuce (torn into small pieces)

2 Tbsp Cherry Tomatoes (sliced into wedges)

1 tsp Black olives (sliced)

1/4 cup Grated cheese


Thousand Island Dressing (as topping)



  1. Heat oil in a pan.
  2. Add luncheon meat and onion, cook for 8 to 10 minutes. Set aside
  3. Toss together lettuce, tomatoes, olives and grated cheese
  4. Heat wheat bread in an oven toaster until crisp.
  5. Place 1 Tbsp cooked luncheon meat on top of Wheat Bread. Top with 1/4 cup

lettuce mixture.

  1. Drizzle with thousand Island dressing.

