In a Slump? Here’s What You Need to Do to Get Back Your Mojo
This article originally appeared on View the original article here.
Remember those days when you would get up early to prepare to go to work and commute? Due to the pandemic, we all switched to remote working schedules; though it was beneficial at first, you may have started to feel the burnout from juggling both work and household responsibilities in one place. Now that workdays have started to feel monotonous, you’ve lost your motivation and your tasks have piled up. If you’re completely uninspired lately, here’s how you can make your days #SooFlavorfulSooDelightful again:
Even though it’s gonna hurt, acknowledge it
In the wise words of Mark Twain, “Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.” So listen up: The first step towards moving on a slump is to simply recognize it. Stop fooling yourself into thinking that what you’re feeling is no biggie because the longer you do, the more likely you’d fall into burnout. And don’t feel bad about it. Contrary to what commercials or social media would have you believe, it’s just not possible to be motivated 24/7.
Spice things up with a little challenge
When you’ve been doing something for a long time, you get comfortable, and no, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. But sometimes, comfort is exactly what causes the slump. If you think this is your problem, it’s time to level up. Ask for feedback from your superior or even volunteer to work on an exciting new project. Your comfort zone is killing your creativity, so step outta there!
Stop feeling guilty for taking breaks
Anyone who’s been dealing with the WFH setup since the pandemic started knows that it can actually make it harder to rest. Not giving yourself time to pause, even for just a few minutes, is a quick way to give yourself burnout. You’re human — not a machine (and even machines need breaks too or they’ll malfunction!). Even though it seems like you’re drowning in work, cut yourself some slack and enjoy a few minutes away from your screen. Step outside, stretch, and grab an indulgent snack like Gardenia Muffins that’ll boost your energy with its real fruits and chocolate.
Shake it off!
When it feels like your brain has completely shut down and you just don’t have anything left to give, pop on your favorite song, turn up the volume, get on your feet, and just let it all out. Sitting at your desk for 7 to 15 hours (yes, that’s the actual average) isn’t gonna do you any good, and if you’re staring at nothing but your screen for that long, it’s no wonder you’re running out of creative juices! Just 3 minutes of flailing around to Taylor Swift while snacking on a pack of Gardenia Muffins and you’ll feel much better already.
Break things down
Intimidated by big goals? Break things down into smaller tasks — they feel more achievable and accomplishing them will make you feel super motivated, so you’ll end up accomplishing more! So grab your planner, start writing down checklists, and savor that delicious feeling of ticking off each task. Here’s one tip to give you the motivation to achieve these goals: reward yourself with a sweet pack of chocolate Gardenia Muffin at the end of the day. G?
Entertain your not-so-good-ideas
If you shoot down every single idea that doesn’t seem perfect, you know what you’ll end up with? Nothing, that’s what. Perfectionism isn’t your friend, so instead of listening to that little voice that keeps telling you what you’re doing wrong, play around with your so-called “bad” ideas for a little longer and see where it takes you. Who knows? You might even end up with something amazing.
For goodness’ sake, use your VLs!!
Listen carefully: Your. VLs. Are. Meant. To. Be. Used.
Even if you’re not going anywhere because of the pandemic, even if you have nothing planned, even if you don’t feel like you really “need” a break, use your vacation days. And don’t feel guilty about it — that’s what they’re meant for! And on your time off, stop checking your emails and let yourself do things that you actually enjoy.
Give yourself something to look forward to
Prepare to have your mind blown: If you don’t have any motivation, you can make your own. One of the best ways to feel inspired again is to have a reward waiting for you when you achieve a goal. It can be as simple as treating yourself to a DIY manicure at the end of the week, finally checking out that big purchase that’s been hanging out in your cart for months, or simply rewarding yourself with a moist Gardenia Muffin after a long day. And it’s easy to do just that.
How do you get over slumps and make your workdays #SooFlavorfulSooDelightful?
Don’t forget to grab your Gardenia Muffins in all 7-Eleven outlets in Luzon for only P25. It’s available in Chocolate, Banana choco, and Blueberry flavors! To know more about #GardeniaMuffins and their yummy treats, follow Gardenia Snack Treats and Gardenia Philippines on Facebook.